Did you all think I fell off the face of the earth, nope just had a little set back. I was diagnosed with spinal meningitis and spent a week in the hospital. It all started with the worst headache you can imagine. The word "Headache" doesn't even do the pain justice. I went into the ER with a pillow over my eyes, and they admitted me after my spinal tap came back positive for Spinal Meningitis. Spinal Meningitis is when the cerebral fluid that surrounds your brain and vertebrae is infected. I was put on pain killers that barely took the edge off, I was given them every 7 minutes, I forget the name of it, but they said it was 7 times stronger than Morphine. So needles to say I was pretty out of it for a while, I was only able to get up to go to the bathroom. I wasn't able to see my kids, sad huh. And when I had visitors they were masked and gowned. But then as I felt better that changed, and the day before I was released I could finally see my children. I came home to Phinley having pink eye, and Mariana having a temp of 104. While I was in the hospital my proofing section went down on my website. I came home on a Monday, and had to photograph a wedding that Friday, and then another wedding the next day Saturday, then the following weekend to Chicago we went. The trip had been planned for some time, and the doctors thought getting away would be good for me. Came home on Monday, caught up as good as I could, put images back online, then packed for the next work/trip to the black hills the next weekend. That leads me to now. Ohh, that wears me out just putting it all into perspective!! I just wanted to say that even threw all of that God held my hand every step of the way. He protected my family from it, and gave Kevin the strength to be all that he had to be. I am so blessed to have the family and friends that I do. I had someone by my side at all times, some one was tending to my kids, laundry and meals were delivered that whole week and the following two. I am so grateful to have the friends, family and clients that I do. I have been praying that everyone would be understanding threw this whole thing and I would be given the strength to get healthy. My doctors says that my side effects could last up to a year, I am believing that I will be healed way sooner. I have what are called "cloudy" moments about 2 times a day. I mean come on, I am already pretty cloudy!!! I don't know if I am coming or going lately. And my headaches are down to about a two hour one every two days. I hope this Blog entry does not come across as negative, I am good, healthy and ready to be going 100 miles an hour again, I am just waiting for my body to catch up. All of that to say, thank you for your flowers, calls, visits, prayers and patience. We are on the road to full health, and no cloudiness....(I am pretty sure that is just a side effect of me being me!!!) I will do everything in my power to get you what you need in a timely manner. God Bless to all, and never underestimate the power of prayer. BTW pictures are (kev and me in Chicago, in front of the John Hancock building where he purposed 6 years ago, while in Chicago we hired a photographer to take an engagement session, we had so much fun) Mariana and Phin in the black hills, Phin's 10 mo pic.