Boy I guess I should specify when I say that. Have you ever meet someone and when you do, your heart says that they will be there for a while, that you have just become a better person because they came into your life, that their life has officially touched yours. That is Brayden to me. My heart melted the first time we meet, he was only two weeks old, and now I just celebrated his 1st birthday with him. It has been an amazing year.
My advice to you, if you have meet that person, make sure they know, if you haven't meet that person, maybe you have and you have not taken the time to acknowledge the feelings, or you may not have meet that person and you will, just remember, every person you come in contact with has the potential to change your life forever....did you change someones?, you might have and just don't know it, you never know how powerful a smile, kind word or nice gesture can be to someone.
I feel so blessed to be able to have this amazing relationship with so many of my clients, I need to come up with a better word than client, because you are all so much more, you are my friends, you make me want to be a better person and a better photographer. Thank you Dana for sharing your little boy with me, I will always remember him being shy and putting his head in your arms, and his little wave, it is defiantly a famous wave, get ready for a big future!!!
Love you all......