I must say that I am humbled daily by how good God is and how blessed I feel to be in this amazing thing called "Life" I have to share with you all some fun things that have been happening in my world. Well as you have seen my blog has not been updated as much as it usually is, it is because of something called "facebook" I am able to connect with people, put pictures on line and share all that the Lord is doing in my life in a more interactive way. So when I hear people say they look at my blog daily, I am so humbled that they would look here for a "pick me up." So I am updating a long awaited post!! The lives that come threw my studio are many, and so many of them make an impact on my life. I thank you all for sharing you, your children and your family with me. If you don't get anything but good pictures that it good, but if I can in someway touch you the way that people have in my life, I will know I have done well. I take all of my clients to heart, you are all have a special place in my heart, you and your little ones are prayed over and I so look forward to seeing you all grow and become and endure what the the Lord has laid out for you.
I just did a session with a little girl and a pair of sisters. These are not just any sisters, these are sisters who have a bond like no other. These are surrogate sisters. One sister was implanted with the other sister's egg and sperm and carried her baby for her. I found this family because I speak often of wanting to do that for my cousin, (if needed). I think it is such an amazing gift. I absolutely loved being pregnant, and I thought this needed to have special "coverage" for their memory book. So meet this family, here they are sharing their love for this wonderful little girl who is doubly loved my her mom and aunt!! Thank you for allowing me into your amazing life.
If you or anyone you know needs a session because they have a story, please email me... thank you to all my loyal blog readers. I love you all,.... and think about getting on facebook!! I do spend the majority of my socializing hours there!!! God bless you all. Thank you again for blessing me with your friendship, and your business. I am in total awe everyday that I get to wake up and thoroughly enjoy what I do for a living...love the Lord, love my family and love recording memories for you!!! Thank you for helping me make my dreams come true