I was invited to do a senior session on a ranch last week, I have to say, I really think I just had one of the funnest experiences a photographer can have. I was able to let my imagination run, no time limits, no nap times, no restrictions. I couldn't believe all that I have been missing by being "SO BUSY", I was literally listening to the birds chirp, the bugs swarm, and the waters ripple. I was experiencing the "Holy Land" how God has intended for me to see it. I just can't seem to keep all the busyness of life, work, and just stuff out of the way of just plain quiet beauty. I am posting some images now, but will post more later. Thank you Thank you Thank you God for slowing me down and reminding me that there is peace, I just pollute it, thank you for also gifting me with photography, I really do believe it is the only way I can let my ADHD mind run wild and it work for me and not against me. And to all of my clients who hire me for that exact reason, to trust in me and in my ideas no matter how crazy they are. I am blessed. I am blessed.