I know that most of my blogs are light hearted, funny and somewhat touching, tonight I have to tell you about a story that will touch your soul to the core. I am involved in a volunteer program called "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep" www.nilmdts.com I and about 6 other photographers in the community get called into the hospital to take pictures of babies that are not expected to live, still born, or on life support with not much chance of making it. I get asked all the time how I do this, but when I am called to do this I feel so honored, and so touched that I would be able to some how make this family's journey of healing a tiny bit more bearable. I was called to photograph this little boy, Gavin, on a Sunday, we were eating Sunday family lunch, my family helped me with my kids, I went home got my camera, and went to the hospital, I didn't know what I would be walking into, I was praying the whole way there that Gavin's last breath would not be while I was photographing him, but if it did happen that way that the Lord would prepare me, and give me the words, and strength to continue to do what they needed me to do. Give them memories that they had been cut short of. I did the session and he was still on the life support when I left, I went home, prayed, called my prayer team,(thanks Donna, Jade, Kelli, and Kristin) and hugged my children a little tighter that night. Then waited. I didn't hear anything, I thought it was one of the cased where they can't bear to see the images, so I wait for them to call. I got another call the following Wednesday from the hospital, I explained I was in a session and I didn't know how long it would be before I could make arrangements to reschedule things and get there, then they told me that the family would wait until I got there to remove the life support. (The picture above is the tubes being removed from little Gavin.) I told them that as soon as I could I would wrap it up, make sure my kids got picked up and headed for another night at the hospital. This time it was a much different story, they wanted me to be there. I started praying the second I got the call, "are you sure Lord you really want me there?" "Are you sure I have the strength to do this" I called back to the hospital, and they said if you can't make it tonight they will wait till the morning. I was able to make it happen. In the grand scheme of things, what really matters is that this family has these images to cherish for ever. We didn't know at this point how long he would stay alive with out the life support. I again was concerned where I would be. The doctors told me it could be minutes or he could pass away in his sleep tonight. This family had a loss of another son last year, they had to do the same thing, I found out later that their other son lived 15 minutes after the removal of the life support. Little Gavin, the fighter, lived for a one more week. That following Wednesday Gavin went home to be with the Lord. How blessed I am to have been able to meet him, touch him, and know his family. His little sister's name is Angel, how fitting. I couldn't help but photographing her showing her little baby brother the bear she had gotten for him to play with. The tender care she gave when she dressed him. I couldn't help but think of my little girl who loves nothing more than to play with her brother. All of this to say... hold your children close tonight, pray a special prayer for the families who are loosing their children as you read this, pray for strength, guidance and above all, unveiling love that will give them comfort when nothing else will.
Thank you so much Brian and Marla for letting me share Gavin's story. I know that he was only here for a short time, but in that time he touched so many lives, and will continue to do so.
Thank you so much for the friends I have that I can count on to get me threw this. Thank you to many of my clients who reschedule your appointments so I can make these sessions, and accept late orders so I can put these orders threw!! God Bless you all.
You are such a blessing! It brings tears to my eyes to know how much you love complete strangers and are able to bring images of peace through your work.
Thank you so much for doing photos for Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep!! I am a nurse in Sanford's NICU. You are an amazing photographer and more an amazing person for doing NILMDTS.Few people will be able to share a Parents loss.I was there the night we took Gavin off the vent. Those were my hands you saw in the photo.What a privelge it was to be there with Gavin and his family!!Thank you again. Marcia H.
my name is stephanie lang.I am donna marchands cousin in washington state. I just wanted to thank you for sharing this lovely story of little Gavin. And God bless you for sharing your talent in such a way as this! This has touched me deeply and my thoughts and prayers are for this wonderful family who has suffered so much. I have been checking out your pictures and just love how you capture the emotions. Well done! Please pass my message to this family so they know that little Gavin's life reached clear out here to a stranger who was so inspired by their love and life that I couldn't help but to reach back! thank you! God bless all of you!
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