OK no pics of this until i figure out if i am crazy, or if this might just be real. It is some early morning hour, all are sleeping in my home, and i have an idea to write a children's book. MMMMM, well it will have pictures from my sessions, mmmm yeah, well, just thought I would fill you in on where my mind is now. Love all, please pray for me!!
If you are familiar with face book, I have recently just filled out 25 interesting things about me, I will share them with you. This is where the book concept came from. An old classmate of mine read this, and said I should write a book. So here I am writing a book!! Well, like I said, we will see how far this goes!!
Thank you for thinking this is interesting, thank you for your belief in me, Thank you Thank you Thank you, God Bless you all.
1. One of my most inspirational moments in my life was speaking at my grandmother's funeral.
2. I thought I was going to be a teacher, nurse, hospice director, or funeral director, and still would do any of them. Or try anyway!
3. The thought of death isn't scary to me. I would be sad to leave my husband, children, family and friends, but I have been so blessed with so much and have had so many opportunities in my life, I would have no regrets at this point.
4. My daughter looks nothing like me, and acts just like me. I love being her mom; I always know her next move. I am such a proud mom, I fear I will be the wack-job that comes in wanting to come after anyone who messes with her.
5. I never thought I wanted a boy until I had one, now I think boys are way fun and easier!
6. I love dancing in the rain, one of my favorite things to do in the rain is to get boots on, get an umbrella, splash in puddles and try to catch rain in my mouth. It brings back memories of me looking for fishing worms with my dad.
7. I was diagnosed with "Adult Onset ADHD" surprise surprise!
8. I love love love love being pregnant and giving birth. I love the whole process, 1 hour after giving birth to Phinley, before I was even moved to the recovery room I was ready to do it again. I would consider being a suragant parent for the right person.
9. I have a love hate relationship with "change", most the time I hate it.
10. I used to show horses. I love riding horses; there is something about being able to ride a horse as fast as you can in a wide open field.
11. As much as I don't like the snow, I love SD. I have no desire to move, or to raise our children away from our family.
12. Two of the most inspirational things said to me were. "You have been given a gift, you have two choices, you can either sit on it, or do something with it." - My pastor. And "you have a dream; go for it, if your heart is in it the money will come."- My now husband, but fiancé at the time. Both referring to my career of photography.
13. Besides being a mom and a wife, I find most of my self worth by volunteering for a bereavement photography program called "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep" here is one of my experiences: (cut and paste)
14. I go into my children's room almost weekly to photograph them sleeping.
15. My husband and I were married less than 3 months after we were engaged, no we were not pregnant. We got married on a tuesday, on what would have been my grandmother's b-day.
16. My favorite show's are "17 kids and counting" and "Little House on the Praire" I secretly want to be in their families!! I love hearing of other's family dynamics.
17. The best gift I ever gave my self was our cleaning lady.
18. I suck in the music dept! And probably the only way I would ever get embarrassed is if someone heard me sing, and we do it almost every night during our family parade or marching band (what ever Mariana wants to call it that night!)
19. Aren't you sick of hearing about me yet, holy manoly, this is allot. I hate reading, but love writing. Can you tell!!
20. Another dream of mine is to be pregnant at the same time as my sister and my cousin. Let's get it on guys!!
21. Although my parents are divorced, they both are two of my best friends.
22. Before I die I would like to photograph an adoption. I have photographed a birth mom meeting her daughter after 35 years, and I have photographed open adoption mothers with their children, but never a family seeing and receiving their child for the first time. I would love to be able to give that gift to somebody, if you know anyone, let me know!
23. Hearing other's dreams is uplifting to me; it opens my eyes to their hearts.
24. When I say I will be praying for you, I do!!
25. Last but not least, I feel so blessed, so honored to do what I do, to have what I have, and to be loved like I am.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Almost Another Year!

I am so proud and yet so sad to see my little clients growing. When I photograph a baby in the tummy of their mommy, then get ready for their one year session I am so so proud to have been a part of their little lives for almost a year. There is such a connection between me and my little ones, and I grow to be such good friends with their moms and families. Thank you, thank you for letting me into your lives for this very fun year, I am excited to grow with you even more.
"Come grow with me, the best is yet to be"
God Bless, Amy
New Hats!!

Thank you for modeling my new hat so well Sydney!! I have some new hats you are all welcome to borrow, have no hair that's ok let's just put a hat on! I love new things, new ideas, if you have found something new, send me the link, if i buy it you get a free 8x10!! Thank you all who are always looking out for me. Donna, thank you for the referral of this new fun hat line!! And if you ever see some new fun furniture that I would love, call me. Love you all!! Amy
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Has Anyone Seen my Squeeker

I am in love with this picture, I loose about a squeaker a week, but if it is to someone this cute, hey who cares. I am home from my seminar, but came home to Phin having RSV, then I got strep throat, so now that I am finally back in commission I am just saying "Hi" and I am alive, and I can't wait to get you all caught up on what I learned. And hey guess what I got a new camera today. I am so so so excited to have even a faster, more clear ending product. And guess what it does video, so I can't wait to get that part figured out. So hopefully coming soon is a session video complete with images and video!!! I will get you all caught up on new product, new procedures and everything new in my life as soon as I figure it all out. Thank you all!!!!
Friday, January 9, 2009
One last breath

Today I was praying for a little boy to have enough breath so I could make it in time to take his pictures. I was called to do a NILMDTS session (Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep http://www.nilmdts.com/ ) these are bereavement sessions) The nurse asked if I could come quick, I had to finish up my apt, run home get the camera equipment and get to the hospital. It all seemed to happen so fast except for the drive there. That felt like it took an hour. I had that time to pray...I prayed that the family would be comforted, I prayed that the baby wouldn't be in pain, and I prayed that God would give him just enough breaths to get me there.
Then I realized, wow, I am praying for breath. I am praying that a little boy can stay here on earth one more minute. I am praying for something I typically take for granite. It was like my life, my children, my husband and family flashed before me. What seemed to be a hectic busy day all the sudden stood still. I couldn't believe that I was praying for a little boy to breath one more time. I raced into the room, it was quite, cold, somber and I missed it. He had just passed away. I had many feelings, but I had to put those aside and do what I was there to do. Comfort, hold, love, and believe that the Lord does have the capability of healing such harsh wounds in time. And hopefully the images that I was able to take, might help a tiny bit.
I don't share this story for a pat on the back, I share this story so that in a time of economic hardship, job losses, colds, dirty houses, tons of laundry, you name it. At least we are not planning a funeral. Tonight thank the Lord for the clothes that pile up, thank the Lord for the food that goes on the plates that pile up, thank the Lord for the family we have in our lives, we never know when the Lord may call us home.
I don't share this story for a pat on the back, I share this story so that in a time of economic hardship, job losses, colds, dirty houses, tons of laundry, you name it. At least we are not planning a funeral. Tonight thank the Lord for the clothes that pile up, thank the Lord for the food that goes on the plates that pile up, thank the Lord for the family we have in our lives, we never know when the Lord may call us home.
I am so thankful for you all, thank you for believing in me, helping me succeed at what I know that I am supposed to be doing. What an amazing feeling it is to be able to share the gift the Lord has blessed me with, with others. I thought it was only fitting to put my little ones as the pictures tonight. I am so grateful to be a mommy, thank you, thank you thank you!!!
On a lighter note, I just got done packing, I am so excited I can hardly stand it. I will be going to the biggest Photographer's convention for the next 4 days. And guess who I will be seeing and learning from.... ANNE GEDDES!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, I am so excited!!!!!! So I hope to bring back a ton of new fun ideas, techniques!! Thank you again for all my loyal clients, readers, family and friends, I am so blessed to have you in my life. I love what I do, and it is because of you I can, thank you for believing in me. God Bless you all, Amy
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hey Seniors, Don't forget, if you want awesome snow pictures let's them now, we can do half your session now and the rest in the summer sun!!! Here are some fun ones. Start looking for all those clearance hats, scarfs and mittens, I have some fun ideas and different places to go. Book now and be ahead of the game!!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Goin' to the chapel and were gonna get married!

Holy manoly there is love in the air. People are getting engaged left and right. Thank you all so much for your interest in my photography. Just wanted to let you all know that I will be going to a seminar and will be back at the end of next week. I am planning on re-vamping my wedding packages and prices then to reflect the new implementations. So be patient, I want your weddings to be fun, different, and to include the newest ideas out there.
Friday, January 2, 2009

and more to come, I just loved this little three word panel. Thanks Caroline for being so dang cute!! This is a framed 5x10 with 3 square images and three words, they can be any words or first middle and last name, name and age in the bottom right corner optional. $50
keep looking for more fun new things, I will be posting a total new prouct line by the begining of Feb.
Thursday, January 1, 2009

Ok, just when I think I have seen the cutest little baby come my way I get another just like my past client. I had so much fun with her and her family and they came to me all the way from Idaho. Well they didn't come here just for me, but they did come a long way!!! Thank you so much for the refferals and the complimets.
I want to thank everyone for continuing to make my dreams come true. I am living my dream life. I am so blessed to love what I do so much. Thank you thank you thank you. Thank you not only for your buisness but for believing in me. I am so grateful.
January is a busy month for me. I will be going to Pheonix to study with some AMAZING photographers. One being ANNE GEDDES!! Can you believe that. It will be so much fun, I will come back and use all my learning on you!!! And I will be completing all albums that seem to have been in the making for ever!!! Thank you again for another great year. May God bless you richly this 2009!
Come along with me and read the bible this year. Check out my other blog
we are reading the whole bible this year!!!
God Bless you all! Amy
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