Today I was praying for a little boy to have enough breath so I could make it in time to take his pictures. I was called to do a NILMDTS session (Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep http://www.nilmdts.com/ ) these are bereavement sessions) The nurse asked if I could come quick, I had to finish up my apt, run home get the camera equipment and get to the hospital. It all seemed to happen so fast except for the drive there. That felt like it took an hour. I had that time to pray...I prayed that the family would be comforted, I prayed that the baby wouldn't be in pain, and I prayed that God would give him just enough breaths to get me there.
Then I realized, wow, I am praying for breath. I am praying that a little boy can stay here on earth one more minute. I am praying for something I typically take for granite. It was like my life, my children, my husband and family flashed before me. What seemed to be a hectic busy day all the sudden stood still. I couldn't believe that I was praying for a little boy to breath one more time. I raced into the room, it was quite, cold, somber and I missed it. He had just passed away. I had many feelings, but I had to put those aside and do what I was there to do. Comfort, hold, love, and believe that the Lord does have the capability of healing such harsh wounds in time. And hopefully the images that I was able to take, might help a tiny bit.
I don't share this story for a pat on the back, I share this story so that in a time of economic hardship, job losses, colds, dirty houses, tons of laundry, you name it. At least we are not planning a funeral. Tonight thank the Lord for the clothes that pile up, thank the Lord for the food that goes on the plates that pile up, thank the Lord for the family we have in our lives, we never know when the Lord may call us home.
I don't share this story for a pat on the back, I share this story so that in a time of economic hardship, job losses, colds, dirty houses, tons of laundry, you name it. At least we are not planning a funeral. Tonight thank the Lord for the clothes that pile up, thank the Lord for the food that goes on the plates that pile up, thank the Lord for the family we have in our lives, we never know when the Lord may call us home.
I am so thankful for you all, thank you for believing in me, helping me succeed at what I know that I am supposed to be doing. What an amazing feeling it is to be able to share the gift the Lord has blessed me with, with others. I thought it was only fitting to put my little ones as the pictures tonight. I am so grateful to be a mommy, thank you, thank you thank you!!!
On a lighter note, I just got done packing, I am so excited I can hardly stand it. I will be going to the biggest Photographer's convention for the next 4 days. And guess who I will be seeing and learning from.... ANNE GEDDES!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, I am so excited!!!!!! So I hope to bring back a ton of new fun ideas, techniques!! Thank you again for all my loyal clients, readers, family and friends, I am so blessed to have you in my life. I love what I do, and it is because of you I can, thank you for believing in me. God Bless you all, Amy
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