I would like to thank Raena from Balleaena Dance Studio for welcoming me into a day in her life, well part of a day, ok 2 hours. That's all either one of us had time for! Her and I are so much alike, our love for live, love for children, and an absolute passion for what we do!! I had so much fun watching her and her daughter light up as they tied their shoes, as they danced on tip toes, and danced with one another. It opened up my eyes to a little pocket of time that we get to have with our daughters before they think that is way to un-cool. I know now is never a good time, but it is, capture the time before they get bigger, do it yearly on their birthday, have a mother daughter session. Celebrate this mother's day a new way, not with gifts, with time. Hope you enjoy these as much as I did. If you would like more info on her dance studio, here is the info...
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance! Show your daughters and sons it's ok to be silly and dance with out purpose. If the fathers want to get involved, there is a father daughter dance coming up at the El Raid Shrine Masque, Feb. 20th. My husband and daughter will be there, and ok, so will I, but just peeping in!!! God Bless you all, Love me!
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