A mother of 3 sure does put a new spin on multi-tasking! I never thought I would be able to wipe a poopy butt and breast feed at the same time with out yelling or dropping someone! But Praise God that's why he gave us two hands!! My hope to keep my blog updated got past me. It was a hope, a dream, then it became a headache...but now that I am getting back into the swing of things, it is my priority! God has been doing some amazing things in our lives. He has gotten us threw the first 4 weeks of a new born with out any major upsets. I really think any couple who can make it through that first month can make it through anything. We have had to lean on the Lord soo many times. It has been an adjustment, but nothing that we can't do. And what a reward we get to have while trying to figure out this thing called life. There were times I was crying and forgot why I was crying. There were times while I was nursing I had no clue if I could get through the pain to another feeding. I remember once sitting in my doctors office, I had mastitis, bleeding boobs, and serious sleep deprived, she asked what time I last feed her and I just bursted into tears, I couldn't tell her the time of day it was, much less the last time I feed my baby- ohhhh but I decided not to let that determine my status of motherhood! I was a good mom, just low on sleep, patience, tolerance, and wanted to shake my husband for not getting it! When one of my friends showed up with a head of cabbage, beautiful flowers, and sugar food, I knew I would be ok- I wasn't crazy, someone got me. I think that too many times we look for someone to get us when we don't even get us our self. Our heavenly Father created us, and He gets us. Thank the Heavens I am out of that slumpy, robe wearing, sore boobs milking cow feeling of a mom. Now I am just a happy robe wearing, nurse on a strict schedule, enjoying my baby type of mommy. I have decided to have Paizley home with me for 12 weeks. Although I have been working through out my maternity leave, I love that I am mostly home- she is an amazing baby, and I am so proud to be her mom. She was on a birth session with me at one week of age, I think she is learning young that we work big, love big, pray big, and believe big. Together we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us! Thank you for all my family, friends, and my Lord for getting me to a point where I can see and think straight. Now it's time to design some Senior information packets!
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