Well I think I just learned a real easy lesson about boys, just give them the rock, what is the worst that can happen? I know I may sound prude when I say this but my little Mariana never ate rocks, didn't put stuff in her mouth. You can't tell it now, but when she was a baby she just listened, we are learning the hard way with Phin man about the dog food, rocks, gravel, basically anything that will fit in his meaty little hands needs to go in his mouth. So during tonights session, I couldn't help my self, trying to get the shot, trying to teach my husband yet again how to be a good assistant, trying to keep Mariana out of my light and picture, and still trying to come across as a professional photographer, I just decided give him the dang rock and let's just deal with it. It taught me a good lesson, well one I think I struggle with more than I care to mention, pick your battles, I must have it in me that I like to pick them all, win them all, and then still have a fun energy about me...but we know that is not the way it typically happens, so I lost the rock battle tonight, and will be more selective on the next one I care to pick!!!
So 9 months old, my fat rolls say he is only 2 weeks old!!!! TMI I am sure!
In the pictures I would love to eat his little elbow with the dimple, in another Mariana is convinced yet again he wants to be held, I think I could be a millionaire if I got paid for every time I say "put him down Mariana" but at least she isn't pushing him right.
I have had a ton going on lately, that is the reason for the lack of blog entires, 3 people today said they read it, so I thought I would squeeze it into my night. It is almost 11 pm now, I made Kevin his caramel corn to bring to his fantasy football draft pick, dinner was cooked, kitchen was cleaned (by Kev, that makes it even better) and Phin man was photographed, another relaxing night!!!
Off to get ready for the wedding this weekend, Thank you all for being such loyal readers. I enjoy rambling!!!!