I had an amazingly successful day today. (By the way, it is fun to learn what it means to others to have a successful day) Write it and tell me what "Your successful is!!"
My successful day started waking next to Phin's elbow crammed in my kinked neck after a restless night of teething. I love the way he snuggles!! I woke up with him around 6am, I thought I would be a nice wife and let my husband sleep in... Mariana woke up at her usual 6:45ish,. and we began our morning. MMM who gets a shower first? Around here who ever is the dirtiest gets it first, then if I am lucky I get one!!! We all got showered, threw in a load of laundry and were almost ready for church.. woke up dad, gave him his orders and we were off, I did my usual make-up in the car and we arrived at the punctual 10:31... went to an awesome church service then we were invited out to my Dad's to PICK veggies out of his garden. Ok, let me remind you all here, I am not the most domestic person to say the least. So picking vegetables out of a garden where I was convinced snakes and mice lived was a little intimidating at first and then I really got into it. Well it was I either got into it or the heat waves made me think I was enjoying it. We picked and picked and picked. I really did have a lot of fun, it was my dad and I and Mariana. I couldn't help but think of my grandparents, how they did all that. Plant a garden grow vegetables, clean them, cook them and still enjoy them. Well I think I have shared with you all I am making all of Phin man's food, so a 3 gallon bucket of beans sounded fun to me. So we picked....and picked...and picked. Came home, made 2 roasts one for us and one for my dad of coarse using all the things we picked, and then froze one bag of veggies for the next time we have roast. Then I pealed 89 thousand potatoes, cleaned a million carrots and about died cleaning onions. And that my friend is what I am claiming as "successful!!" I made Phin his food, the last of it is boiling now. Mariana had so much fun helping. I have the bucket of beans to do tomorrow and 3 pounds of strawberries to clean, but I am having so much fun doing this. Yes a little more time consuming than buying a jar of carrots, but look at the quality time I was able to have standing for 19 hours in my kitchen, while trying to keep my 3 year old from knocking over her brother. Great memories!!!
As I was saying prayers with Mariana she said her favorite part of today was the "pickin' in the garden like the olden days" I wish it could be more common, but for now it works having it at Papa's. Back to the success part. Being with my family, creating memories, and doing things my grandma's did is fun to me. Teaching my kids that making meals together is fun. The last part of the successful day is my husband making dinner, and the kids, yes both in bed AND asleep by 7:30. Mariana by 7:10 and Phin at 7:20. Life is good. But not always, just rare days like today. Believe me bedtime doesn't always happen that way, and dinner isn't always cooked my my wonderful husband. But today stuck out to my that is why I am sharing!!! Thank you all for the emails, I guess this blog thing is becoming a hit. I am hearing from so many to keep the "real life" coming.
Thank you all so much for your love and support. I couldn't do what I do with out everyones encouraging words. Life is good. Well, I better go to bed early while I have the chance!!!
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