Oh to be 17 again. What in the world would I do different? I am not sure if I would do anything. But working with these young girls and guys, I find my self giving them the old "career" speech, it really brings me back to how blessed I am to have had the opportunity of the Lord showing me what direction I should go. I like so many seniors didn't know what I wanted to be when I grew up... I thought it would come to me and I would just do it. Well it didn't, I think I must have had a thousand ideas of what I could do, and none of what I was going to do. During this confusing time in my life when I thought I was going to be a labor and delivery nurse I paid close attention to my Pastor's sermon one Sunday. He said we have all been blessed with talents, are we using them or sitting on them. In my wildest dreams I didn't realize I could get paid for what I love to do, and look at me now, I do! I get paid for sharing my passion with you, I am so touched knowing that people want me to share my gift with them. This particular senior drove from Des Moines, Iowa. Thank you so much, it was such an honor for me. I appreciate your kind words and for being so easy and fun to work with. Rachelle you are just as beautiful inside as you are outside. Thank you for being you! I will pray for you and all of my seniors that the Lord will show you the way that you can be a gift and a witness in your career path.
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