There is not a whole lot of people who "get" me, well and if you do its kinda scary! lol so maybe it is better just comming along for a ride now and then with me! I am feeling so overwhelemed with gratitude for all that I have and all that so many of you are to me. I have just finished my first Baby Expo, and I am so happy that all the construction, the late nights, the prayers, sweat and tears have finally paid off. I say the word "visions" literally when I say it, here is what happends. When I get an idea in my head of a possible venture, or avenue, or road I think I want to take, I pray about it, I then start to see the exact picture of what the end product will look like. Sometimes thats a good thing, and sometimes it takes me on roads I never knew I would be on. Like on this one finding my self in line on a hot humid summer day in the steel mill line, with 25 greasy construction workers wondering what I am needing a
"ya know the kind of metal you can weld, yeah, then 1.5 inches around, and then a pole to stick another pole in, you know so it will be hollow, then the one going into it will be skinnier"
(that is a step into my conversation with the 300 pound nice nice steel mill worker helping me!!
So now that we got that setteled who on my list can weld? Ok so in my uncles shop we land, and trying to explain to two super talented body shop workers what I need...lets just say they got it, and it was a sucess!!
I am so touched, honored and blessed to have the people in my life to help me to do what I do. Thank you all so much!!
My uncles helped with most the construction. My driving force behind my production team Mary SG helped see my vision through, her beautiful, talented, smart, selfless daughter Krissy donated her strength, energy and her time. My sister who was ready to get off the comfy couch to come all the way back into town at 9pm to help, my mom for doing all the everythings I can't! Donna, oh Donna! I think thats a song! Ok Donna- holy manoly have you held on tight threw this one! Thanks for at least trying and 98% of the time "getting" my visions- I love you, my partner in crime! My wonderful husband who lets me do crazy things that I call my "visions", who loves me supports me, and encourages me (most of the time! JK) My clients/friends who drop everything to help me see out my visions, mychildren who see me very little if any on days like today, and most importantly, My heavenly Father, thank you thank you for giving me the visions you do, the endurance you do, and for the team you equipe to help me like they do! I love you all!
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