Yeah...another year, another chance to commit to a resolution, and hopefully by the end of the year it is not forgotten! Well welcome to just one of my resolutions. Keep my blog updated, have our family bless another family with an act of kindness, and to get my contact list both personal and business updated. So with your help I can do that. What an awesome idea to set goals, pray about them, and hopefully follow through. Thank you all for the compliments, the words of wisdom, and for following my blog, I realize that with all of the possible places one can follow my life I may run short of things to say...not likely! lol If you have not received my new e-news letter and screen saver downloads, shoot me an email and I will update my contact list! I will be featuring a family who has been nominated for a blessing session, tell their story, why I picked them, and also just an update on how my business is going, and just plain me stories.
I can't tell you how many times I am stopped in my everyday life by people who say "oh I love reading your posts" "are you ok, you haven't posted in a couple of days" "oh please keep me posted on all the exciting things you do" so I guess when you live my life it feels mundane, but if my life excites you...read on!!!
So here is how I needed to use my re-set button before 8am. My conversation between me and my 3 year old son this morning. ME- "Phin, please don't stand on my laptop" PHIN- "I'm not, my toe is" point of the story: it's all in perception. I call touching any part of my mac book with any part of your foot standing on my computer, he on the other hand thought rubbing his foot on the computer to see how far he could go before I would respond a total challenge, and adventure. Now the bigger part of the story is- will my son ever stop testing his boundaries, will I ever stop being amazed at his full of wit answers, or is that all part of God's plan...make his answers equally as cute as him so he doesn't push me off the deep end. Next conversation went a little something like this: I am changing his diaper, I said "eeyyyuuuu stinky boy" Phin said "It not stinky, it looks like chocolate, and smells like chocolate!" About this point I am sure you are trying to figure out why you are still reading this. Well my friend, I think the more normal our lives feel, the a happier we are. And if we get caught up in life's challenges everyday, we can either stay there, or laugh at them and move on...or both. Last Phin story for this morning, ME- "Phin, you can't color on your face with marker" PHIN- "I didn't do it the marker did it" Again, its the perception thing again.
My prayer for me, Phin, and you. Lord help us to understand the messenger, have the patience until we do, and have patience with us Lord as we try to follow what you want us to do as we move at our own pace. Thank you Lord for your direction, your presence, and the gifts you give all of us. Bless this New Year, and help us all to accomplish exactly what you put on our plate, nothing more and nothing less. AMEN
Welcome my friends to a new year, I look forward to sharing my life and helping it be your entertainment!!!
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